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"deviceId": "deviceId value",
"groupId": "groupId value"
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Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
token | Yes | string | authentication token |
tag | Yes | string | The name of the group, if you don't want to use the name, you can also pass tagId (the ID of the group) |
body | Yes | object | The first letter is not case sensitive |
name | Yes | string | show name |
you | no | object | operating system |
os.browserVer | no | array | browser version |
os.osType | no | array | operating system |
orderby | no | string | Sort, the smaller the number, the higher the ranking |
notes | no | string | Remarks |
iconId | no | string | Icon ID |
proxyServer | no | object | proxy settings |
proxyServer.type | no | string | Proxy type (NOPROXY, HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5, HTTPS) |
proxyServer.host | no | string | IP address |
proxyServer.port | no | string | port |
proxyServer.username | no | string | logged in user |
proxyServer.password | no | string | login password |
extensions | no | object | Plugin configuration |
extensions.enable | no | boolean | Disable inheritance of global settings false: Inherit global settings true: Disable inheritance of global settings (do not inherit) |
extensions.list | no | array | Disables inheriting the plugin ID of global plugins |
webRtc | no | object | WebRTC |
webRtc.type | no | string | WebRTC type |
webRtc.fillOnStart | no | boolean | Auto detect IP |
webRtc.wanSet | no | boolean | Public network IP switch |
webRtc.lanSet | no | boolean | Intranet IP switch |
webRtc.publicIp | no | string | Public IP |
webRtc.localIps | no | array | Intranet IP |
userAgent | no | string | User-Agent |
screenWidth | no | string | Resolution width |
screenHeight | no | string | Resolution height |
langHdr | no | string | language |
acceptLanguage | no | string | Accept-Language |
platform | no | string | Platform |
product | no | string | Product |
appName | no | string | appName |
hardwareConcurrency | no | string | hardwareConcurrency |
mobileEmulation | no | boolean | Mobile emulation switch |
deviceType | no | string | Mobile Emulation Type 0: Desktop 1: Mobile |
hideWebdriver | no | boolean | hideWebdriver |
langBasedOnIp | no | boolean | Set language based on IP |
doNotTrack | no | boolean | do not track |
deviceMemory | no | string | deviceMemory |
pixelRatio | no | string | DevicePixelRatio |
maskFonts | no | boolean | Enable 【Font】Fingerprint Protection |
fontSetting | no | object | set font |
fontSetting.dynamicFonts | no | boolean | use font list, each time dynamic random false: use true: not use |
fontSetting.fontList | no | array | font list |
fontSetting.clientRects | no | boolean | ClientRects Fingerprint Enhanced Protection |
canvasDefType | no | string | 【Canvas】Protection (Type) NOISEA: Noise Mode A BLOCK: Blocking Mode NOISEB: Noise Mode B NOISEC: Noise Mode C OFF: Not enabled (not OFF is enabled) |
audio | no | object | AudioContext |
audio.noise | no | boolean | Enable hardware fingerprint [AudioContext] protection (noise mode) false: not enabled true: enabled |
webgl | no | object | WebGL |
webgl.metadata | Yes | boolean | Enable [WebGL] metadata protection |
webgl.noise | no | boolean | Enable [WebGL] image protection |
webgl.vendor | no | string | WebGL vendor |
webgl.renderer | no | string | WebGL renderer |
timeZoneFillOnStart | no | boolean | Enable setting time zone based on IP |
timeZone | no | string | Manually specify the time zone |
mediaDevices | no | object | Media Device Fingerprint Settings |
mediaDevices.setMediaDevices | no | boolean | Number of custom media devices |
mediaDevices.use_name | no | boolean | Specify device name |
mediaDevices.videoInputs | no | object | video input |
mediaDevices.videoInputs.count | no | string | The number of video input devices. If device1 is not set and count is not 0, device1 device parameters (label, deviceId, groupId) will be randomly generated |
mediaDevices.videoInputs.device1 | no | object | Video input device number 1 (0~1), corresponding to the number of counts |
mediaDevices.videoInputs.device1.label | no | string | video input device label |
mediaDevices.videoInputs.device1.deviceId | no | string | Video input device deviceId |
mediaDevices.videoInputs.device1.groupId | no | string | Video input device groupId |
mediaDevices.audioInputs | no | object | audio input |
mediaDevices.audioInputs.count | no | string | The number of audio input devices. If device is not set (1~4), device parameters (label, deviceId, groupId) will be randomly created according to the number of counts. |
mediaDevices.audioInputs.device1 | no | object | Audio input device number 1 (0~4), corresponding to the number of counts |
mediaDevices.audioInputs.device1.label | no | string | audio input device label |
mediaDevices.audioInputs.device1.deviceId | no | string | audio input device deviceId |
mediaDevices.audioInputs.device1.groupId | no | string | Audio input device groupId |
mediaDevices.audioInputs.device2 | no | object | Audio input device number 2 (0~4), corresponding to the number of counts |
mediaDevices.audioInputs.device2.label | no | string | audio input device label |
mediaDevices.audioInputs.device2.deviceId | no | string | audio input device deviceId |
mediaDevices.audioInputs.device2.groupId | no | string | Audio input device groupId |
mediaDevices.audioOutputs | no | object | Audio output |
mediaDevices.audioOutputs.count | no | string | The number of audio output devices. If device is not set (1~4), device parameters (label, deviceId, groupId) will be randomly created according to the number of counts. |
startUrl | no | string | Default home page |
kernelVer | no | string | start the kernel (version) |
browserSettings | no | object | Other configuration |
browserSettings.pepperFlash | no | boolean | Enable Pepper Flash plugin |
browserSettings.mediaStream | no | boolean | Enable media (WebRTC audio/video) streaming |
browserSettings.webkitSpeech | no | boolean | Enable speech input (x-webkit-speech) |
browserSettings.fakeUiForMedia | no | boolean | Bypass the media stream information bar by selecting the default device for the media stream |
browserSettings.gpuAndPepper3D | no | boolean | Enable GPU plugin and Pepper 3D rendering |
browserSettings.ignoreCertErrors | no | boolean | Ignore website certificate errors |
browserSettings.audioMute | no | boolean | Audio mute |
browserSettings.disableWebSecurity | no | boolean | Do not enforce same origin policy |
browserSettings.disablePdf | no | boolean | Disable PDF extensions |
browserSettings.touchEvents | no | boolean | Enable support for touch event feature detection |
browserSettings.hyperlinkAuditing | no | boolean | Hyperlink auditing can be used to track clicks on website links |
localCache | no | object | local cache |
localCache.deleteCache | no | boolean | Delete cache files before starting the browser |
localCache.deleteCookie | no | boolean | Delete cookies before starting your browser |
localCache.clearCache | no | boolean | Clear file cache when browser is closed |
localCache.clearHistory | no | boolean | Delete history when browser is closed |
synSettings | no | object | Sync settings |
synSettings.synCookie | no | boolean | Sync save cookies |
synSettings.extensionData | Yes | boolean | Extended data |
synSettings.synBookmark | no | boolean | Sync and save bookmarks |
synSettings.synHistory | no | boolean | Sync history |
synSettings.synExtension | no | boolean | Sync extension |
synSettings.synKeepKey | no | boolean | Sync and save passwords |
synSettings.synLastTag | no | boolean | Sync recent tabs |
leakProof | no | object | Anti-leak settings |
leakProof.computerName | no | object | computer name |
leakProof.computerName.isUse | no | boolean | computer name switch |
leakProof.computerName.value | no | string | Computer name value ( rand randomly generated if value is) |
leakProof.macAddress | no | object | Mac address |
leakProof.macAddress.isUse | no | boolean | Mac address switch |
leakProof.macAddress.value | no | string | Mac address value ( rand randomly generated if value is) |
browserParams | no | string | Customize startup browser parameters |
customDns | no | string | Custom DNS |
remoteDebug | no | object | Remote debugging function |
remoteDebug.bindAllDebug | no | boolean | port binding |
remoteDebug.debuggingPort | no | string | Remote debug port |
remoteDebug.logLevels | no | string | Debug log level 1: VERBOSE 99: DISABLE |
browserApi | no | object | Browser API Fingerprint Settings |
browserApi.setBatteryStatus | no | boolean | Setting up the Battery Status API |
browserApi.isCharging | no | boolean | Is it charging |
browserApi.chargingTime | no | string | It takes time for charging to complete "0", "Infinity" |
browserApi.drainsTime | no | string | Battery can use time "3600", "18000", "10800", "12600", "Infinity" |
browserApi.batteryPercentage | no | string | Percentage of battery power 0.01 ~ 1 |
browserApi.autoGeoIp | no | boolean | Populate geolocation based on IP address |
browserApi.setLatitude | no | boolean | Latitude switch |
browserApi.setLongitude | no | boolean | Longitude switch |
browserApi.setAccuracy | no | boolean | Precision switch |
browserApi.latitude | no | string | Latitude value |
browserApi.longitude | no | string | longitude value |
browserApi.accuracy | no | string | Accuracy (US) |
browserApi.setWebBluetooth | no | boolean | Set Web Bluetooth API (Switch) |
browserApi.setBluetoothAdapter | no | boolean | Bluetooth Adapter (Switch) |
browserApi.speechSynthesis | no | boolean | Set SpeechSynthesis API (switch) |
browserApi.speechVoicesList | no | array | List of Speech Voices |
browserApi.speechVoicesList.isUse | no | boolean | Whether to enable |
browserApi.speechVoicesList.voiceURI | no | string | voiceURI |
browserApi.speechVoicesList.name | no | string | name |
browserApi.speechVoicesList.lang | no | string | lang |
browserApi.speechVoicesList.localService | no | boolean | localService |
browserApi.speechVoicesList.default | no | boolean | default |
sslFingerprint | no | object | SSL fingerprint settings |
sslFingerprint.enableCustomSSL | no | boolean | Enable custom SSL fingerprint |
sslFingerprint.versionMin | no | string | SSL Versioin min 0:TLSv1 1:TLSv1.1 2:TLSv1.2 3:TLSv1.3 |
sslFingerprint.versionMax | no | string | SSL Versioin max 0:TLSv1.2 1:TLSv1.3 |
sslFingerprint.cipherSuites | no | array | Cipher Suites List |
sslFingerprint.cipherSuites.isUse | no | string | Is it selected |
sslFingerprint.cipherSuites.v | no | string | value |
otherProtection | no | object | other protection |
otherProtection.setPortScan | no | boolean | Enable port scan protection |
otherProtection.localPortsExclude | no | string | Whitelist of specific ports (ports that are allowed to be scanned), you need to separate the whitelisted ports with commas (half-width), for example: 8000,12345,42069 |
header | no | object | Header settings |
header.setHeaderCustom | no | boolean | Enable Header customization |
header.list | no | array | list |
header.list.isUse | no | boolean | Whether to enable |
header.list.name | no | string | name |
header.list.value | no | string | value |
header.list.urlMatch | no | string | URL match |
header.list.notExistAdd | no | boolean | not exist add |
cmdcfg | no | object | Assisted startup configuration |
cmdcfg.openCommandLine | no | boolean | Execute the command line (switch) before starting the browser |
cmdcfg.commandLine | no | string | Command Line |
cmdcfg.closeCommandLine | no | boolean | Browser close kills the command line process |
"data": {
"profileId": "7723C30E-AFED-4E72-8941-642A5E30D135"
"code": 0,
"msg": "OK"
"data": {},
"code": 420,
"msg": "name parameter cannot be empty"
The parameters of the object and array types are optional, but [does not mean] their fields are also optional (if parameters are passed, the fields are required)
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